# Data Source
# Flood-Prone Area Map and Flood Hazard Information Map
- Tone River Flood-Prone Area Map (Tone River Upstream River Office of MLIT) (opens new window)
- Koyamagawa River Flood-Prone Area Map (Tone River Upstream River Office of MLIT) (opens new window)
- Arakawa River Flood-Prone Area Map (Arakawa River Upstream River Office of MLIT) (opens new window)
- Karasugawa River, Kanna River, Kabura River, Usui River Flood-Prone Area Map (Takasaki Office of River and National Highway, MLIT) (opens new window)
- Flood-Prone Area Map and Flood Hazard Information Map for Koyamagawa River Basin, Fukukawa River and Gojinba River Basin, Kanna River and Yoshino River Basin, and Arakawa River upper reaches (Saitama Prefecture) (opens new window)
# Sediment Disaster Alert Area Map
# Estimated Earthquake Damage
# Background Maps, etc.
- OpenStreetMap (opens new window)
- Road
- Railway
- Object
- Land Use
- Fundamental Geospatial Data (GSI) (opens new window)
"Approved (Use) by Director-General of GSI under the Survey Act R 3JHs 387 "
- Water
- Contour Line
- Building
- GSI Tiles (Geospatial Information Authority) (opens new window)
- Shaded-Relief Maps
- Elevation Tiles (Digital Elevation Model by Fundamental Geospatial Data)
- Digital National Land Information (National Land Information Division, National Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) (opens new window)
- Administrative District
- River
- Saitama Prefecture Open Data (Saitama Prefecture) (opens new window)
- [Fukuya City] Parcel Border
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